For Album99 product information, click HERE!
Click HERE for a video on how to order an Album99.
Frequently Asked Questions
Paper & Layout
Q: Does the Album lay flat?
A: Yes! The Album lays flat when opened.
Q: Do you offer design services?
A: No. We do not offer design services. However, once you have chosen your Album specs and are within the Mediaclip editor, you will see a Layout option in the customization toolbar! We offer many preset spread templates to help you design your Album.
Q: Can pages be added or removed during the editing stage?
A: Yes. You can remove or add spreads during the editing stage. The "add" and "remove" buttons are located underneath the Album template:
Please note that you can only add or remove spreads in increments of 5, and the Album's price will adjust accordingly.
For example, if you chose 20 spreads/40 sides, you can add the Album to your cart as-is once you are finished designing. Or, you can increase to a 25-spread album by adding 5 additional spreads, or you can decrease to a 15-spread album by deleting 5 total spreads. Additionally, you will only be able to add the Album to your cart if you have the spreads in increments of 5. So, if you end your Album with 21 spreads, you will either need to delete a spread or add 4 additional spreads.
Q: Does the Album start with a single page on the right or with a panoramic spread that begins on the following page, 'page 2'?
A: The Album begins on the left on 'page 2'.
Q: What is the difference between a page and a spread?
A: A page is one side of a spread. 1 spread has 2 sides.
Q: If I am pre-designing my own spreads outside of your system, how should my spreads be sized?
A: You can design your own spreads within editing software like Photoshop or third-party design software like Fundy, Album Stomp, etc.! When sizing your spreads, you want to size them appropriately so they consist of the left and right sides. For example, if you order a 10x10 Album, you will want to size your spreads as 10x20 inches!
Q: Do you account for a bleed with the Album spreads?
A: For the Album spreads, we do account for a 1/8" bleed on all sides (the red area noted in the screenshot below or the blue dotted guideline within the online template) within your full spread size. For example, if you are designing a spread for a 10x10 Album, you will size your spread to be 10x20 inches. The 1/8" bleed is within the 10x20 inch spread; the bleed does not get added onto the 10x20 inch dimension.
Ideally, you want to design your spreads with your images full bleed to the edge of the template while keeping any important information you do not want getting trimmed within the safe zone (the white area noted in the screenshot below or the area within the blue dotted guideline within the online template). Any part of your image that exceeds the white area is subject to be trimmed during production.
However, we understand you may want to design your spreads so that your images are not full-bleed to the edge of the template. Instead, you may want your spreads to have a nice, even white border all the way around. This is achievable! To obtain this look, rather than accounting for just a 1/8" for the bleed on all sides, you will want to account for a total of a 1/4" minimum on all sides (will be more depending on how thick you want that white border). That way, once we trim the spreads down a 1/8", you still have a 1/8" of white space all the way around your spreads!
Q: Do you offer Photoshop templates for the Album?
A: Yes! Please click the link below to access!
Q: How many images can I fit into an Album?
A: That completely depends on you and how you want to design your Album! There is no minimum or maximum number of images you need to add to your spreads. You can add one or multiple! Creating an Album with us is completely custom to your wants and needs.
Q: What are the pages physically like?
A: The Album is considered a lay flat, flush mount Album. The spreads are printed on Fuji Crystal Archive Digital Pro II Lustre Photo Paper. The lustre photo paper is closely related to a matte finish. It has a mild sheen that highlights the color and offers a subtle textured look. “Luster” typically imparts a feeling of depth and dimension, meaning this paper shows great contrast without shine. This paper type is the standard paper type in professional printing.
Once the spreads are printed, we then meticulously adhere them to a board, creating non-bendable, flush-mounted pages!
With Album99, you can choose the thickness of your pages: thin or thick. The thin pages are approximately the width of a dime, while the thick pages are approximately the width of a penny.
Q: Does the Album have a gutter?
A: The Album does not have a gutter. It has a crease that runs down the center allowing the Album to lay flat when opened. This style also makes it perfect for showcasing panoramic spreads!
Custom Additions
Q: Do you offer embossing services?
A: Yes! For the Album, you can order embossing for your cover if you choose the leather or linen cover option. Unfortunately, we cannot emboss on the photo wrap cover types.
We offer 4 different font styles at 26pt size: Eye Catching, San Serif, Recoleta, and Sabon.
We offer five different colors to choose from: gold, silver, rose gold, white, and black. We also offer blind embossing (use of no color), which is currently only available in our desktop ordering software ROES. Blind embossing is only available for the black, midnight blue, and sterling gray leather cover options. It is not available for the other cover options as the text becomes difficult to read.
For the embossing placement, you can choose to have your text in the center or bottom right corner of your cover. You can have up to 3 lines of embossing for $6.95 each. Each line may not exceed 20 characters, including spaces. Please advise, we cannot emboss the following characters: #, ?, |, \, {, }, [, ], (, ), -, +, o, e, i, a with accents.
Q: Do you offer any type of block style options and/or inside cover material options?
A: As a standard, the Album has white page edges and square corners. The inside cover material is a black mat.
Q: Can you emboss/imprint studio logos on the cover, front, or inside?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot emboss/imprint studio logos.
Q: Do you offer studio samples?
A: We do not offer studio samples for the Album.
Q: Do you offer sample kits?
A: We do not have Album cover sample kits available for order.
Turnaround, Shipping, & Handling, Oh My!
Q: What is the turnaround time for an Album?
A: The Album has a 3 business day turnaround time.
Please note: Ordering your Album with expedited shipping does not mean your production time will be expedited. You must still factor in the full production time, as expedited shipping ONLY expedites the shipping time once the package has been shipped from the lab!
Q: What is the shipping cost for an Album?
A: The shipping fee for an Album is listed below:
Economy - $12.50
Standard - $14.50
Fast - $17.50
Faster - $18.95
Fastest - $34.95
Please note that Albums do not qualify for free economy shipping if your order reaches the minimum order total of $89. Albums have a standard Economy shipping charge no matter what.
Q: How is the Album shipped?
A: Once your Album has been produced, assembled, and quality-checked, it is ready to ship! As a standard, we package your Album within a plain gray, matte presentation box, which we then pack with packing materials into a larger shipping box.
Q: How should I store my Album?
A: We highly recommend keeping your Album within the presentation box (with the silica gel packets) when not in use. This will help prevent moisture from seeping into your Album and maintain its longevity!
Q: What do I do if I receive my package/Album damaged?
A: We sincerely apologize if you received your package or album damaged. Please contact Customer Service by filling out a contact form. If you prefer to speak with us via phone or live chat, our phone line (888-507-5755) is available Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, and our live chat is available Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST. We would be happy to work with you to resolve any damages or issues!
Refund/Cancellation Policy
Q: I just submitted an order but made a mistake. Can I cancel the order?
A: We can potentially cancel your Album order. You must notify us within 30 minutes of submitting the order if you want to cancel it. Please advise, though, that once an order has entered production, we will not be able to cancel or modify it! We highly recommend triple-checking your order before submitting it to ensure there are no errors or issues.
Q: Can I get a refund for my Album if I do not like it?
A: We do not currently offer refunds for Albums. However, we encourage you to contact us before submitting an order if you have any questions or concerns about the product!
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