Saving your shopping cart in ROES takes just a few easy steps!
First and foremost, before saving, you will want to ensure the image files used in your order were not moved or renamed at any point through the ordering/saving process. Changing the file name, moving the image files to a different location, or removing the storage device (if files are located on an external hard drive or flash media) can break the link between the ROES application and the image files- this may corrupt the saved cart file/order.
Once the items have been added to your cart, go to the Shopping Cart tab- in the bottom right corner, you will see "Save for Later."
Click on the "Save for Later" button - once clicked, it will change to a text input field where you will enter a name for your cart.
Once you enter a name for your cart, you will hit Enter or Return on your keyboard - if the save was successful, you would see the "Saved!" prompt.
To access your saved cart, click on the Uploads tab (located in the upper right corner of the ROES window).
Any saved carts will be located along the bottom half of that window. You may load or delete any carts you have saved!
*Carts save incrementally in ROES - this means that if you add or change the cart in any way, you must repeat the save process. I recommend saving the carts in a numerically ascending order, so the highest number on the cart file is the newest version/most up-to-date cart.
If you need to uninstall and reinstall the ROES software but would like to first save your saved cart(s) for later, please click here for instructions on how to do so!
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