You can customize your Wall Calendar using the tools provided in our Nations Photo Lab website's design interface. Below is a step-by-step guide to help walk you through the process. We've also included visuals and descriptions of the customization tools provided in the design interface.
Once you have uploaded your images, you can begin customizing your Wall Calendar!
To get started, head to the Wall Calendar product page.
Select the size you wish to order: 8.5x11" or 11x17"
Select the month you'd like to start your Calendar.
Select the year you'd like to start your Calendar.
Click "Select a Theme."
We have 21 different themes to choose from! Once you've decided, click on the theme you'd like to order.
Choose your size, starting month and year again, then click "Customize Now."
The website will bring you to the Calendar design interface to start designing and personalizing!
Please note that you cannot change the theme of your Calendar once you start designing. In order to do so, you would need to start over.
Double-check to ensure your Calendar is within the correct starting month and year! Additionally, before you start, it's best to familiarize yourself with the customization tools located on the left in the side-panel menu:
A. Events: The Events button allows you to update your Calendar start date, edit/delete pre-loaded US Holidays, or add your own custom event! Additionally, you can add a custom image to a specific date.
To edit a pre-loaded US Holiday and add an image to the date:
1. Click the "Pencil" icon next to the Holiday.
2. The designer will take you to that date.
3. Click on the template, which will pop open the text box editor to edit the text!
4. Clicking the "Text" button within the text box editor or in the left-side menu will allow you to change your text font style, bold/italicize/underline your text, change text alignment, and change text color.
5. To add an image to the date, click "Photo" in the left side menu.
6. You can choose to upload an image or select the gallery that contains your image.
7. Drag and drop your image into the template.
6. Once you've made your changes, click "Done" in the upper right corner!
To delete a pre-loaded US Holiday:
1. Click the "Trash Can" icon next to the Holiday.
If you'd like to undo changes at any time, click the "Undo" arrow icon located on the side panel:
B: Photo: The Photo button allows you to access images you've already uploaded from any of your galleries. Please click "My Galleries" and select the gallery of images you are interested in using within your Calendar. Or click the "Upload Photos" button to upload additional photos.
C: Text: The Text icon allows you to edit pre-loaded text and add custom text. When adding a text box, you can select the font type, color, and size you would like.
D: Layout: The Layout button allows you to choose different pre-designed image layouts for each month of your Calendar. It’s a great tool to use if this is your first time creating a Calendar or you are having difficulty deciding on a personalized layout. Please note that ⅛" bleed/trim occurs around the edge of the template.
If you choose to add a pre-designed layout to your template, please note that the image boxes are still adjustable! You can move them to other positions within the layout or resize them with the transform tool (shown later in this tutorial).
You should only add a Layout to the "Top" portion of your Calendar template. They should not be utilized on the Calendar portion that includes the dates.
If you accidentally do so, click the "Undo" arrow to remove it.
E: Background: The Background button allows you to change the background color or design for a specific month. We supply a wide range of background designs. If you do not see a background you like, you can upload an image and set it as the background!
F: Border: The Border button allows you to add a colored border to your image(s).
G: Style: The Style button allows you to pick a quick background in black, white, or various shades of gray.
H: Options & Add-Ons: The Option & Add-Ons button allows you to add or remove the Color Correction service. The service is automatically applied. -
Now that we've walked through the options available in the left-hand menu, we will review the features available once you've added an image to your Calendar!
Once you have added your image to your Calendar, click on the image within the template. Upon doing so, you will see an editing toolbar appear!
A: Hand: The Hand button allows you to pan your image from left to right or top to bottom within the image node box. This button also allows you to zoom in and out of your image. You can use the slider or the scroll wheel on your mouse!
B: Transform: The Transform button allows you to change the shape of your image using the black half-bumpers. On a black bumper, click and hold down on your mouse to start adjusting the size/shape. The center arrow icon allows you to move the image to a different position within the template. As you get close to the center point of the template, you will see green guidelines appear indicating where the direct center is!
This function will also allow you to add more than one image to the template!
C: Rotate: The Rotate button allows you to change the orientation of your image.
F: Background: The Background button allows you to make an image the template's background. You can then choose to overlay additional images on top.
If you change your mind, you can choose the "Minimize" icon.
G: Empty: The Empty (Trash) button allows you to remove an image from the template.
Click on the image you want to remove; the selected image will be highlighted in blue. Then, click "Empty."
You can also click the Transform button! Once selected, click and hold down on the image with your mouse, and then drag it outside of the template until it turns red and the empty/trash icon appears. Then, release your mouse. The image will disappear from the template.
That's it! Those are all of the tools and options you have to personalize your Calendar!
Before you add your Calendar to your cart, please review your images to ensure they are formatted to how you would like them. Additionally, if you are working off a saved project, please double-check the holidays and custom events that were added. Custom events and birthdays may need to be re-edited.
Once you’ve reviewed and approved all of your edits, we recommend saving your project to access later at any time! To do so, click the Save/Floppy Disc button located in the upper right corner.
Enter a project name and click Save.
Click here for instructions on how to access your saved projects!
Now, you're ready to add your Calendar to your shopping cart. Click Add to Cart in the upper right corner! Then, you can proceed with checking out!
For Wall Calendars only, please note that the backside of the calendar will include a barcode in the bottom right corner.
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